Perspectives from the Path
Divergent Expectations
There is a 161% gap in return expectations between individual investors and financial professionals. We examine real, historical returns to see a better investment perspective.
Unreliable Stars and Past Performance
“Star-rating” or similar ranking systems have been popularized by Morningstar and Lipper. Should you use these when selecting a fund?
Surprised by Risk? The Danger of Chasing Yield
What is yield chasing? Why is it dangerous? Investors take on extra risk for extra yields, putting their portfolio in danger when downturns come. A diversified, balanced portfolio is key.
Is Value Investing Dead? A "Cliff Note" on Cliff's Note
Does value investing still matter or is it dead? The valuation gap between growth stocks and value stocks is at historical levels as growth has outperformed value for 10+ years.
2020 CARES Act Summary
In the midst of recent events, the United States legislature has passed the CARES (Coronavirus, Aid, Relief and Economic Security) Act.
Pointillism: Seeing the Bigger Picture in Today's Markets
Here are some interesting pieces of data to help us all step back and perhaps see a bigger picture of the financial markets.
COVID-19 Market Update: March 12, 2020
COVID-19 has been declared a pandemic by WHO, and the reactions to the virus have caused the financial markets to take a big hit.
Fraught with Fraud: Tips for Increasing your Digital Security
In this digital age, data and information have become a valuable resource. Here are some things you can do to minimize the risk of security breaches.
An Introduction to Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS)
What are treasury-inflation-protected securities (TIPS)? TIPS allow investors to lock in a “real yield” by providing a return hedged against both default and inflation. Download our white paper to learn more.