Reflecting on 7 Years of Kings Path Partners

Mike Mulcahy, President & Founder

It has been 7 years since I left a great role with a great company to start Kings Path Partners. I often get asked why I did this. Why did I take the risk to start a new company? I had many reasons but the largest was my desire to serve people directly. In my previous role as President of an investment firm, we produced financial returns for our investors, we gave away 50% of our profits to charity, and we had a great team of people. It was wonderful in many ways.

However, I missed working with clients directly helping them solve problems and make critical decisions. My early career at McKinsey & Company was all about providing quality, unbiased advice to clients. It is an important part of who I am, and that need to serve in a more personal way was not being met. When three different families invited me to help them with their financial affairs, Kings Path was born.

Have my expectations been met? Absolutely!

The other day I was standing on the back porch of the house of a widow, and we were reflecting on our journey together these past few years. We remembered sitting on the floor going through nine banker boxes filled with years and years of financial records getting them organized so that we could get her late husband’s estate settled, picking up where the estate attorney and CPA had dropped out of the process and where her previous advisor would not dare tread! We reflected on sorting through multiple property, investment, and tax records to get them straightened out since the estate settled. We talked about many discussions and tutorials as she dived headlong into learning about investments, estates, and taxes – most of which had been managed by her husband during their long marriage. While she was apologetic for the demands on my time, I expressed my sincere gratitude for being invited into her life to help and serve. Creating investment allocations is challenging and fun, but helping clients in their time of need is “priceless” (to steal a phrase from MasterCard commercials.)

As I reflect on 7 years, we have served clients in many and often unexpected ways through difficult divorces and long mediation sessions, the loss of family members and the tedious process of estate settlement, the complete review and re-write of estate plans as life goals changed, life transitions from work to retirement, the sales of businesses, and the creative pursuit of charitable structures. Serving clients with their financial needs isn’t just about putting together an investment allocation. It is about knowing their vision and values, putting together a plan, anticipating their needs, working side by side to prioritize and implement, and guiding them along their journey with care, always putting their needs first.

Every day I get to work is a blessing where I get to use my talents and passions to serve others. It has been a wonderful journey and I look forward to many more decades of service.

I am very grateful for a team of very smart (check out their growing list of designations!) and caring people at Kings Path who also share this passion to serve.

Several years ago, I wrote a blog challenging our industry to step up its level of servant leadership. I still think this is relevant today, and perhaps more than ever.  Sadly, I think most still drop the ball and are missing out on the real joy of our calling.

Read “A Higher Calling” blog.

Mike Mulcahy, CFA® CPWA® CTFA

With the founding of Kings Path Partners, Mike brings a diverse set of professional and personal experiences into the wealth services business. His professional roles and community experiences give him a unique and real perspective into the needs of families, entrepreneurs, and business executives. Previous roles include president of a $6B investment management firm; management consultant with McKinsey & Company; VP of corporate finance & strategy with Compaq/HP; and managing director of an entrepreneurial web-based business. He is also an active venture investor with a focus on impact investing and social enterprises.

Mike earned an MBA from the Harvard Graduate School of Business and completed an Executive Program in Portfolio Management at the University of Chicago. He graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Economics with a minor in Chemistry from Texas A&M University. He holds designations as a Certified Private Wealth Adviser®, Chartered Financial Analyst®, and Certified Trust and Fiduciary Advisor (CTFA). He is a member of the Investments & Wealth Institute® and the CFA Society of Houston.

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Kings Path Partners, LLC (KPP) is an SEC-registered investment advisory business based in Sugar Land, Texas. KPP has published this article for informational purposes only. To the best of our knowledge, the material included in this article was gathered from sources KPP believes to be accurate and reliable. That noted, KPP cannot guarantee that this information is accurate and complete and cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions. Readers have the responsibility to independently confirm the information herein. KPP does not accept any liability for any loss or damage whatsoever caused in reliance upon such information. KPP provides this information with the understanding that it is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or tax services. In particular, none of this published material should be considered advice tailored to the needs of any specific investor. KPP recommends that all investors seek out the services of competent professionals in any of the aforementioned areas. With respect to the description of any investment strategies, simulations, or investment recommendations, KPP cannot provide any assurances that they will perform as expected and as described in this article. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Every investment program has the potential for loss as well as gain.


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